While many labs are getting a headstart on workflow optimization, more can and will need to be done. In the lab of the future, experts anticipate the availability of even more tools, techniques, and technology, along with more demands on the lab.
These improved testing systems will likely require less time, space, and human handling, optimizing workflow by their very nature and design. At the same time, many anticipate a food lab that will allow food producers, processors, and manufacturers to screen incoming raw materials and in-process parameters with near real-time microbiology information.
The ability to coordinate these testing activities and communicate results in the most optimized fashion will be all the more important given that the lab of the future will need to connect with vendors and suppliers on a global basis, not just via today’s centralized lab.
While many labs are getting a headstart on workflow optimization, more can and will need to be done. In the lab of the future, experts anticipate the availability of even more tools, techniques, and technology, along with more demands on the lab.
Flexibility for Future Threats
While the rise of the machines may be a source of fear for some, evolving threats to the food supply will be another challenge the labs of the future likely will face.
As the government works to try to meet its mandate of making sure our food is safe, labs may need to conduct additional testing as more pathogens and/or adulterants, such as the six E. coli serotypes that the USDA recently labeled as adulterants, are added to the list.
In addition, the chance that new pathogens may emerge or mutate into a form not yet seen or tested exists. Genetic shifts may occur, making organisms more virulent or unknown, as seen in antibiotic resistance development.
And then there is the potential for the intentional contamination of the food supply through terroristic activity. Food companies have already begun to increase their attention to detail regarding the security of the foods they produce.
For these reasons, the lab of the future should not be a static entity, but one with flexibility built in. Future labs will need to have the ability to adapt based on needs, whether those needs involve addressing increased testing requirements, bacterial mutation, or even intentional contamination. Labs will need to adapt quickly to address these threats.
Clearly, the microbiology lab and the instruments that keep it running are critical to ensuring a safe, nutritious, and available food supply. Through automation, workflow optimization, and flexibility, the food lab of the future will be well prepared to continue to make this possible, as well as address any issues that may arise.
J. Stan Bailey is director of scientific affairs for bioMérieux Industry. Prior to joining bioMérieux, he worked as a research scientist for the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service from 1973-2007 and, in 2002, was named Outstanding Senior Research Scientist. He can be reached at [email protected].
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