The group was convinced that the IFS curriculum should cover not only the core required sciences for the biotechnology program, but should also include multiple subject areas from the food safety industry such as good manufacturing practices training and other practical skills needed by industry quality assurance and quality control personnel. The team focused on one objective, to grow the program by creating a true food safety professional with well-defined career paths in food production, laboratory science, auditing, and inspection.
To expand the program beyond an AS degree in biotechnology and better define qualifications for the many specific jobs involved in food protection, the group is looking to stakeholders in the value chain such as producers, other testing labs, students, government agencies, consultants, inspection agencies, and standard makers. In addition to the AS in biotechnology, other undergraduate programs, certificate programs, distance-learning programs, and subject-specific training programs could be added to enable existing industry personnel to upgrade their job skills. A degree or certificate from Florida State College’s IFS would be unique and would fill a massive gap in today’s food protection efforts.
In the U.S., food safety has become increasingly complex, making it necessary to create a system that bolsters food safety while taking into account the many stakeholders involved. The project team’s goals for phase two are to create a comprehensive program that supports all parties, provides the food industry with a sensible and viable shot at addressing the current gaps that exist in food protection, shortens learning curves, and provides a more robust food safety education platform. This platform will lead to outreach initiatives for existing personnel to increase their professional knowledge and even develop third party audit and inspection training to address the needs that exist in this area. As phase two progresses into a building designed to house the multiple disciplines required for the program, Eurofins, Florida State College, and the IFS continue to seek better, more inventive solutions to the challenges facing food producers.
Ridenour is a marketing consultant at BGR Services. For more information on the program, contact Carlos Navarro at [email protected] or (509) 297-4339.
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