“Based on certain technology and research profiles, including offers and requests that have been collected during the registration process for the event, participants can select their relevant profiles and then meet the expert behind it in a bilateral meeting at the symposium,” Moser explains. “At the event, participants receive a detailed meeting plan, which includes a list of the designated times and numbered tables where they will meet their selected experts. At the end of 30 minutes, a bell rings and participants move on to their next prearranged meeting. These matchmaking events are a quick and easy way to meet potential cooperation partners.”
Working Groups
During the first FOODSEG symposium, attended by 90 food safety and quality experts in Berlin, Germany in 2012, 11 expert working groups were defined.
“The tasks of the working groups are to review research within the respective scientific field in order to identify the main gaps in research, determine research needs, formulate new projects, and set up recommendations to forward to various stakeholders,” Moser relates.
“FOODSEG makes it possible to consolidate our intellectual, scientific, and cultural community and reduce the fragmentation of food safety and quality research within the EU,” Moser emphasizes. “Our partners are sharing their expertise and know-how with other countries, such as Accession Candidate Countries.”
Kieran Jordan, PhD, principal research officer at Teagasc, a national government organization for agricultural research, advice, training, and education under Ireland’s Department of Agriculture, is an enthusiastic FOODSEG partner who believes in the power of international collaborations. Based at Teagasc’ Moorepark Food Research Centre in Fermoy, Ireland and armed with a background in cheese microbiology and cheese flavor, Dr. Jordan established the food safety (microbiology) program at Moorepark and is responsible for coordination of food safety projects in microbiology. He currently serves as chair of FOODSEG’s Using microbial interaction as preventive measure working group.
“As a microbiologist, there can be a tendency to have ‘tunnel vision,’ thinking that bacteria are the only issue for food safety,” Dr. Jordan says. “The multi-disciplinary approach of FOODSEG, where the interaction of the different disciplines involved in food safety is emphasized, can only benefit European food safety. I look forward to working with FOODSEG in the coming years, capitalizing on that benefit, and advancing food safety.”
Leake, doing business as Food Safety Ink, is a food safety consultant, auditor, and award-winning journalist based in Wilmington, N.C. Reach her at [email protected].
Read the complete story on FOOD SAFETY IN EUROPE.
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