Having a robust supplier management system backed by an end-to-end traceability platform help a brand manage recall situations immediately, as all of the necessary information will be at their fingertips, securely housed within one platform. This allows companies to quickly gather and allocate necessary data like food safety documentation, audits, and assessments to the appropriate officials—complying with all of the latest recordkeeping requirements.
The Transparent Approach
As a result of FSMA, the FDA will no longer put up with poor handling of contamination or quality issues. Brands are no longer able to blame a supplier’s lack of transparency or unreliable records for exposing consumers to unsafe products— the brand is held more accountable than ever.
As the brand image is now perpetually on the line, recovering from a poorly handled recall is more difficult than ever before. In the coming months, the industry will experience added scrutiny from FDA auditors, increased mandatory recalls, even the closing of facilities due to noncompliance around safety. While full transparency and proactivity were optional in the past, they are now fundamental components of a brand’s safety plan if they are to adapt to the changing industry landscape.
While recalls are an inevitable part of the food industry, what sets a company apart is how they prepare to handle these issues. Through implementing supplier management and whole-chain traceability software, brands can keep their supply chain fully transparent and compliant with the growing set of federal regulations. With consumer wellness and brand reputation on the line, proactivity and transparency can ensure that a company is one step ahead of an outbreak at all times.
Jones is chief marketing officer for FoodLogiQ. Reach her at [email protected].
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