AMS now behaves like a commercial value oriented shopper and buys from only from qualified processors with stable processes capable of meeting specifications.

AMS is making the assumption that good quality products come from processes tailored to meet all specifications. The emphasis has shifted to the process rather than product inspection. The specifications are evolving to become more descriptive of the end item performance characteristics, such as nutritional and microbial profiles. This allows the producer to have more flexibility and also responsibility to provide a higher valued product.
The TRS-GB is structured to guarantee wholesome and nutritional product for NLSP. Material requirements include that the meat is traceable to cattle raised in the United States and handled in a humane manner. Meat from non-ambulatory livestock is not permitted.
The TRS-GB requires microbial intervention steps, removal of spinal tissue and carcass testing. The boneless beef supplier is required to have boneless beef tested for indicator microorganisms and for the pathogens salmonella and E. coli O157:H7 before grinding. The test results are charted on SPC control charts and histograms to measure performance of the process. The TRS also prescribes removal of objectionable materials, such as heavy tendons, ligaments, bone, cartilage, sciatic nerve and lymph glands.

Prospective ground beef suppliers must submit a documented description of their process (technical proposal) to the AMS Contracting Officer that demonstrates they are capable of producing product that complies with program needs. The supplier is eligible to bid once they complete a satisfactory audit.
Agents of the Meat Grading and Certification (MGC) Branch enforce continuous auditing and in-plant monitoring as long as the contractor participates in the program. Microbial and fat SPC charts and graphs are monitored for process assessment purposes on a daily basis.
AMS specifies fat limitations in terms of a “target.” Except for lean patties, the target for all AMS ground beef production is 15 percent. Upper and lower specification limits are set at +/- 3 percent. Contractors are required to declare fat content on container markings and nutritional facts panel. The performance for fat limitations is measured using SPC charts. The process capability value (Cpk) must equal 1 or higher on 20 consecutive results which always includes last recorded result. To maintain the Cpk value of 1, the processes upper and lower control limits (+/- 3 standard deviations) must be within the upper and lower specification limits.

Supplier Status Review
The contractor is required to test each production lot of ground beef and plot the results on control charts and histograms using their own laboratory. AMS, MGC agents directs separate sample selection from the first 20 lots of a new program. If the process is determined to be reliable, then AMS sampling is reduced to twice weekly. The ADL conducts the tests on samples selected by AMS. To determine reliability, the histograms generated by the ADL are compared with the contractor’s histograms. The process average (mean) and Cpk value are compared. If there is discernible difference between the charts, then the process is declared unreliable and the contractor can no longer participate in the program.
The boneless beef supplier is assessed for process stability by control charts and for capability to meet specifications by histograms and calculated process capability indices.
The AMS and the boneless beef supplier determine the capability of their process according to the TRS. The contractor requires boneless beef suppliers to provide results and process capability status involving each lot of boneless beef to be processed into ground beef for USDA.
To reenter the program, ineligible boneless beef suppliers must provide the contractor and AMS a plan to implement corrective actions. Once the plan is agreed to by the contractor and AMS, then the boneless beef supplier must receive a satisfactory onsite assessment audit from AMS.
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