Establishing a direct correlation between farm biodiversity and food safety and security.
Judy Sebastian, Food Quality & Safety's blogger, holds dual specialization in public health and safety and organizational development. Equipped with more than 10 years of experience in food safety systems implementation, workplace culture assessments, and talent development strategies, she is passionate about global food culture and how it impacts our daily lives. Judy is a certified trainer and consultant with Dubai-based Apex Food Consultants and is currently based in Portland, Ore. Reach her at [email protected].
Articles by Judy Sebastian
Leading with Management Commitment
Best practices for demonstrating the game changer known as management commitment to improve food safety and quality.
Conducting Impactful Internal Audits Beyond the Checklist
How intuitive methods, such as data visualization, enable the ability to both observe and listen objectively.
FSVP: Creating a Global Trust Chain
Establishing a clear line of communication is key in maintaining an effective Foreign Supplier Verification Program.
Artificial Intelligence: A Real Opportunity in Food Industry
How intelligent systems are transforming safety and quality control initiatives.
Alternative Proteins: From Petri Dish to Plate
Alternative proteins like “clean”/“cultured” meat are leaving consumers with even more questions about their food’s journey.
Intake Best Practices: Plotting a Course
The intake process helps set measurable goals, calculate risks, and map necessary resources to see safety management systems to fruition.
Fostering a Culture of Safety Beyond Generations
Creating and fostering an integrated culture that remains sustainable and effective, regardless of generational differences.
The Rise of Undeclared Allergens
3 factors that are contributing to the increase in product recalls due to undeclared allergens.
The Ripple Effect of Potable Water Contamination in U.S.
Current water crises highlight the need for more practical, timely, and research-based potable water regulatory programs.